ways to help
There are a few ways to help us:
- donation
- philanthropy
- corporate partnership
- gifts in kind
- leaving a pecuniary gift or legacy in a will
- in memory giving
- gifting property, land or estate
- buy gifts from our shop
- sponsor a patient or resident
donate, send, buy or gift.
The Fox Hospital relies solely on donations and kindness.
If you find values and compassion in what The Fox Hospital does then we are very grateful for your donation(s) and support.
Rescuing, rehabilitating, and providing basic, intensive aftercare and veterinary treatment to fox patients is very expensive. Even just daily basic consumables like food and puppy pads alone costs more than £7 per fox per day, not including veterinary bills, veterinary consumables, fuel costs and general running costs. Multiply that by the number of patients and you can see how quickly that it becomes really expensive.
Scroll down to see the various ways we accept and appreciate support.
Please help as much as you are able.
send stuff
buy stuff

coming soon
For bank details, contact us directly.
Our largest project is the building of the state-of-the-art, never before seen referral level veterinary hospital and sanctuary specifically for foxes. The volume of foxes in the country is far, far more than the facilities and rescues that exist currently and for the past decade at least. The volume of foxes needing help across the country is far greater than the space available at all of the current main fox and wildlife rescues combined in the country as shown by the fact all are having to turn down patients through being at capacity, insufficient facilities or staff levels or all of the above.
The Fox Hospital + Sanctuary will have capacity to solve this issue for decades. More info on this is on our main home page and can be discussed.
Since our new hospital and sanctuary build is a huge project, grants do not cover anywhere near the amount required, so philanthropic routes are the only way.
We have the plans, costings and layouts. All we need is the funds to go ahead. If this is an area you can help with, please get in touch either directly or via your agent to discuss. The Fox Hospital is not seeking to use your name, platform or status for any form of promotion since privacy and discretion is something taken very seriously and we are completely fine with everything remaining behind the scenes for that reason, on our annual audited accounts it would show as a numerical amount under philanthropic anonymous donations. If however, you choose to promote on your platform, or need to in order to pull in compassionate funds specifically for aiding your philanthropy then this is your own choice and you have our full consent and support in doing so, which can be discussed if you choose.
corporate partnership
Gifts In Kind
A few examples of Gifts in Kind we welcome:
End of line stock that The Fox Hospital can use directly in the care and treatment of animals.
Pro-bono support, such as legal advice, marketing and design expertise, veterinary services.
Materials to help maintain our grounds and enclosures, such as fencing, tools, plants, wood.
Veterinary Equipment from veterinary equipment suppliers and manufacturers.
Veterinary Consumables.
Charity of the Year
Consider making The Fox Hospital your Charity of the Year at any and all fundraising events.
Donating to charity also helps with heavy tax offset in the form of charitable donations from your accounts department. Better going to charity and put to compassionate use than in taxes.
Project Supporter
Financial support will always benefit the patients and residents at The Fox Hospital:
Directly through the support of day-to-day operational costs, maintenance of facilities, materials and equipment necessary for animal treatment, care and rehabilitation.
Indirectly through the provision of technology, media support, animal rescue vehicles, education.
The Fox Hospital has several specific projects which need support / sponsorship.
If you like the sound of any of the above, or would like to speak to a member of our fundraising team, please email charity @ thefoxhospital.com with details of your organisation and preferred contact details and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
wills - adding to an existing will
changing or updating your Will to leave a gift to charity
If you already have a will, rather than updating your Will, it can be quicker and cheaper to add a codicil, which is a document that is signed, witnessed and attached to your original Will, and allows you to make minor alterations to certain parts of your Will without the need to restart the Will-writing process.
This can be written with the help of your solicitor, or you can use a template to write your own, but it must always be given to the person responsible for executing your Will to ensure it is filed and acknowledged correctly.
We have prepared this codicil template (click or tap here to download) which you are welcome to use if it helps. It also contains a summary of the Will gift information on this page.
Please do not make changes to your Will by crossing out paragraphs or adding to it, because this might invalidate the Will.
wills - pecuniary or residuary gift / legacy
pecuniary gift or pecuniary legacy
A pecuniary gift/legacy allows you to leave a specific amount of money to The Fox Hospital. You can leave a gift for general use or for specific items for example veterinary care, equipment, new enclosures. Example wording for this type of gift would be as follows:
I give to The Fox Hospital (Registered Charity Number 1206417) the sum of (written in figures and words) £ __________________ free of all taxes, I express the wish as an absolute interest (without imposing any binding obligation) that such be applied to its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the same.
specific gift
A specific gift allows you to leave property or other items to be donated to charity. The wording for this type of gift would be as follows:
I give to The Fox Hospital (Registered Charity Number 1206417) _________ (description of property/specific items) free of all taxes, I express the wish as an absolute interest (without imposing any binding obligation) that such be applied to its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the same.
Protecting a legacy where wildlife dens or species visit daily.
One thing that really breaks my heart is when a house has a fox earth den or badger sett or wild garden for wildlife and then someone buys the property and completely guts the beautiful garden or makes changes that affect the animals, insects and plants who live there.
One way to ensure that does not happen is to gift in the form of the property.
Gifts to The Fox Hospital in the form of buildings such as homes (for example a property with a wild garden for wildlife where perhaps foxes have a den or are fed daily and the wish is to keep that legacy alive and unspoiled allow us to potentially have it as a remote location by perhaps converting one of the rooms to a micro treatment room or orphaned cub hub to triage or treat those local foxes or cubs prior to transfer to and with the full support of our main hospital and have one of our wildlife loving volunteers or members of staff live there full time, not only looking after the property but most importantly continuing to feed the local wildlife, tending to the wild garden without changing it, and ensure someone who isn't perhaps as wildlife caring to adversely affect the wildlife or nature, ensuring it is protected for many years to come.
The addition of a pecuniary gift could potentially allow the conversion of one or more of the rooms , if that is indeed what you would like to do, and allow us to help even more foxes countrywide.
residuary gift or residuary legacy
A residuary gift enables you to choose what percentage of the remainder of your estate is given to a specific charity. Residue is essentially what is left after any specific or pecuniary gifts have been made from the estate and all taxes paid. This can be anything, from cash to land to property. The wording for this type of gift would be as follows:
I give to The Fox Hospital (Registered Charity Number 1206417) all (or _____ percentage share) of my residuary estate free of all taxes (and/or specifically named or described items, land or property), I express the wish as an absolute interest (without imposing any binding obligation) that such be applied to its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Chief Executive or other proper officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the same.
A note on residuary gifts:
This type of gift is a share of what remains in your estate after debts,
legacies and administration expenses have been paid. They are very valuable to The Fox Hospital but can be more complex when it comes to tax, so you may wish to take advice first.
in memory giving
Sometimes people feel comfort in giving to charity on behalf of a friend, neighbour, someone they look up to or admire or a loved one whom has passed.
If they had a passion for animals, nature, wildlife or foxes specifically, then a gift to The Fox Hospital in their memory would be an ideal way to continue their legacy.

sponsor a patient or resident
Click or Tap the image to go to the dedicated Sponsor-a-Fox page.
Please note, while many charities and rescues offer things like brochures, postcards, gifts, personal items and many other variations of similar things, we feel this wastes funds and takes funds away from what we are actually trying to achieve. It makes no sense to us to have to buy in things with donated money to send to sponsors which could go towards medical care. We will not sacrifice medical care or squander funds on these types of things, and ensure that every penny donated towards the care of foxes goes directly on exactly that (side note; items for sale in our online shop do not actually cost us a penny to produce).
All funds from sponsoring a fox go directly to medical care. Full details are on the dedicated page by clicking or tapping on the image here.